international women drivers day

International Women Driver’s Day

Women’s Worldwide Car of the Year (WWCOTY) is celebrating International Women Drivers’ Day on June 24th by highlighting women drivers’ perspectives on road behaviour. A recent survey conducted by the Czech online magazine Zena v aute.cz, which reached 1,485 female drivers globally through an online questionnaire, revealed significant concerns. According to the survey, 78% of women drivers view aggression on the roads as a serious problem, and 69% believe that aggressive behaviour on the roads has been increasing.

The survey, conducted in May 2024, spanned 20 countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Columbia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA. The survey’s expert advisor was Platforma Vize0.

“Through a questionnaire, we analysed how women drivers feel, what they fear, and how they behave behind the wheel. The results of the survey are remarkable,” says Sabina Kvášová, a WWCOTY jury member from the Czech Republic and editor-in-chief of Zena v aute.cz, who conducted the survey.

Concerns While Driving

The study identified three primary concerns among women drivers: aggressive drivers (22%), accidents (20%), and driving in reduced visibility (20%), followed by skidding (13%) and collisions with animals (9%). Additionally, 16% of respondents expressed general concerns about driving.

The survey also highlighted country-specific concerns. For example, aggressive drivers were a major concern for respondents from the USA (82%), Spain (31%), and Poland (38%). Accidents were a significant fear in Italy (51%), Poland (35%), and Germany (31%). Driving in reduced visibility was particularly concerning for women drivers in the UK (52%), Germany (50%), and Poland (20%).

Aggressive Behaviour on the Roads

The survey found that 78% of women drivers consider aggression on the roads a serious problem, with 69% indicating that aggressive behaviour is on the rise. Sabina Kvášová, a survey organiser and WWCOTY jury member, noted that 55% of women drivers worldwide occasionally encounter aggressive behaviour on the roads. Only 25% experience it daily, while 20% face it several times a week.

Proposed Measures Against Aggressors

Women drivers worldwide suggested several measures to combat road aggression, including strict penalties (45%), specialised psychological therapy programmes (27%), improved driver training (20%), and prevention campaigns (6%).

Country-specific preferences were also noted. Strict penalties were strongly supported in Denmark and Serbia (97%), the USA (54%), and Italy (50%). Psychological therapy programmes and subsequent mental assessments were favoured in Denmark, Serbia (97%), the USA (54%), and Poland and Columbia (50%). Enhanced driver training to raise awareness about road aggressiveness was backed in the UK (43%), Italy (42%), and Spain (30%). Prevention campaigns were mainly supported by respondents from the USA (45%), Poland (37%), and Germany (24%).

Empowering Women Drivers

With this study, WWCOTY aims to publicise women drivers’ perspectives on road behaviour. International Women Drivers’ Day, which champions mobility as a fundamental right contributing to the freedom, dignity, and personal and professional development of women, is the ideal platform to highlight this survey. Driving provides independence for millions of women worldwide, enabling them to seek better futures, achieve fairer living conditions, and pursue their passion for motorsports.

Women influence over 80% of car purchases in advanced countries, and this influence is expected to grow. “The percentage of young women university students is already higher in developed countries. Salary parity is becoming an achievable goal, boards of directors are no longer exclusively male, and we see more and more women among the world’s richest people,” says Marta García, executive president of WWCOTY.

Celebrating Women’s Voices

International Women Drivers’ Day also celebrates the importance of women expressing their opinions and experiences about cars on social networks. Globally, women make up 53.6% of Instagram users, 44% of Facebook users, 43.7% of LinkedIn users, and 49.2% of TikTok users. For women, the focus is not just on performance and safety, but also on environmental awareness and the right to freedom of movement.

A Call for Reflection

International Women Drivers’ Day encourages reflection. Many women still feel scrutinised by their partners when they drive, use only the second family car, or receive little support in the world of motorsports. This celebration, an initiative promoted by WWCOTY, is more important than ever. A future of sustainable mobility and equality is only possible with the contribution of women.

About Women’s Worldwide Car of the Year

Women’s Worldwide Car of the Year is the only car awards group in the world comprised exclusively of women motoring journalists. It was created by New Zealand motoring journalist Sandy Myhre in 2009. She serves as Honorary President, while Marta García is the Executive President.

This unique award aims to recognise the best cars of the year and give a voice to women in the automotive world. The voting criteria are based on the same principles that guide any driver when choosing a car. The jurors do not select a ‘woman’s car’ because cars are not gender-specific. Aspects such as safety, quality, price, design, ease of driving, benefits, and environmental footprint are considered when casting votes.

Beyond choosing the best cars of the year, WWCOTY aims to give visibility to women in the automotive world and ensure women’s voices are heard globally. Mobility for women means access to numerous personal and professional opportunities.


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